Smart Homes and Business

Imagine being able to manage all the devices in your home from a single application and from anywhere. Turning your home into a smart home will make it easier to manage and control services, and most important, it will give you the security of what is happening in your home.
Adcomm MDU helps you run your business the smart way. How is this possible? We help you to connect with your business without being present. Thus, you will be able to have control and the peace of mind that everything is in order.
Security Cameras
We help you install all the necessary hardware to take care of your business and home with real-time images and high-quality videos that can show you what is happening second by second.

AV Services

Do you have a free space in your house? Now is the perfect moment to install that home theater you always wanted.
Enjoy the best audiovisual experience with our help; we take care of the installation, connections, and pairing of all necessary devices, so you can enjoy every moment as if you were at the movies.
And for your business, we offer you all the necessary audio/video solutions to meet your needs.